Benefits of joining

We provide a wide range of support to our member visitor groups across the UK. Being part of the AVID network also provides contact and the opportunity for collaboration with visitors groups across the UK. It is a great way to share experiences and best practice in visiting in detention. By joining the AVID network you will receive:

One-to-one advice and guidance

Access to training, resources and events

Advocacy support

Membership fees vary according to organisation resources and size. If you are part of a visitors group, or setting one up in your area and are interested in becoming a member of AVID, please get in touch to find out more.

An illustration of two people with outs stretched hands creating shelter for another person standing in-between then with the word "solidarity" overlaid
An illustration of two people building a wall with the words Community overlaid

Members Charter

Organisational membership requires groups to sign up to our Member's Charter.

I am proud of what you have been doing for me. For all the times you visited me, for all the times you listened to me. For the time you saw me cry. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Our members

Members of the AVID network are diverse and dynamic. Some are registered charities and others are voluntary groups. In addition to visiting, AVID members provide a range of support and advocacy activities. Together, we have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share.

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