Trustees Wanted: Morton Hall Detainee Visitors Group
Morton Hall Detainee Visitors Group are looking for new trustees with a passion for supporting people experiencing one of the most challenging aspects of the immigration system in the UK – immigration detention.
On behalf of Morton Hall Detainee Visitors Group
New Trustees Wanted

We are looking for new trustees with a passion for supporting people experiencing one of the most challenging aspects of the immigration system in the UK – immigration detention.
Morton Hall Detainee Visitors Group is a registered charity based in Nottingham. Through a network of volunteers we have been visiting and supporting people detained for immigration reasons in Morton Hall, Swinderby, Lincolnshire since 2011 when it was converted from a prison to an Immigration Removal Centre. In July 2021 Morton Hall will revert back to being a prison once again.
In the face of COVID-19 and the changing nature of immigration detention, we are seeking to recruit three new trustees, one of whom would act as a Treasurer, to join our team to help guide and drive our development. Your contribution will help shape our future and enable our visitors group to continue its work where it is relevant, necessary and possible.
Read Trustee Job Description & Application Instructions
Read Visitor Job Description & Application Instructions
For more information please contact Beth Godley at