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Looking back at thirty years

Thirty years ago, AVID launched with the aspiration of addressing the immigration detention expansion across the UK.

Today, we begin a year-long celebration of this momentous anniversary. But before we embark on our journey, we first reflect on AVID at thirty and what this anniversary means to us.

In 1994, AVID was founded with a mission to advocate for those held in immigration detention. Thirty years later, AVID continues to champion change and provide support to individuals affected by immigration detention. Today, as an integral part of the advocacy landscape, AVID stands alongside numerous organisations dedicated to our shared mission of promoting justice and dignity for all individuals impacted by immigration detention. Together, we remain steadfast in our commitment to engaging and empowering advocates and practitioners across various disciplines, united by our passion to make detention history! 

An anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on the past, look toward the future, and, importantly, celebrate with our community—including visitors(past and present), coordinators, former AVID staff and trustees, and, importantly, people with direct experience of detention—who chose Freedom. It has been an honor and a privilege. Thank you.

How We’re Marking this Anniversary:

  • History of Immigration Detention and AVID: In partnership with the University of Westminster, we launched an internship program to archive AVID's history. This culminated in a Spring Showcase Exhibition on April 26, 2024. Read more here: https://www.aviddetention.org.uk/article/avids-2024-spring-showcase
  • Envisioning a Future Without Immigration Detention: We collaborated with the University of Liverpool and Cut to the Chase Productions to raise awareness through art and activism, resulting in a sharing session and a planned theatre production. Watch the trailer here and read more about the project here
  • Animation on Gendered Harm: Working with Unchained Collective, we are creating 'Removed,' an animation highlighting the harms of immigration detention. This will debut at the London Migration Film Festival in November.
  • Showcasing Stories: Partnering with various organisations, we are highlighting the testimonials of visitors and those with lived experiences of detention. More exciting updates are coming, so watch this space.

We believe that to meet our greatest challenges in advocating for an end to immigration detention, our community needs activism that inspires. Throughout 2024 and beyond, we will focus on the real-world impact of our advocacy efforts, launching initiatives to inspire new approaches and end isolation with the aim of alleviating harm to those affected by detention.

Join us in driving innovation, fostering unity, and advocating for the rights of those impacted by detention. We can't do it without your support.

Donate to our fundraising appeal here and help us reach our target of £30,000.

Watch: Hidden Stories